Prognostic factors of polytrauma patients in intensive care of the National University Hospital Hubert Koutoukou MAGA


Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal. The journal is dedicated to coverage all areas basic, clinical, experimental, preventive, environmental and social medicine. Journal aims to promote continued developments in surgery through the sharing of knowledge, innovated ideas across all surgical specialties.

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Introduction: Polytrauma accounts for a public health problem due to its frequency, major disabilities and the mortality it causes. 30% of deaths linked to polytrauma are preventable when the treatment is adequate.
Objectives: To determine the factors favoring the mortality of polytrauma victims admitted to intensive care at the CNHU/HKM during the period from January 1, 2013 to July 31, 2017. Materials and methods: It was a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study with retrospective data collection. It was conducted in the resuscitation department of the CNHU/HKM of Cotonou, from January 1, 2013 to July 31, 2017. All the cases of polytrauma hospitalized in resuscitation during the study period and whose records were complete, were included.
We had studied: the frequency of polytrauma victims, the socio-demographic, clinical and paraclinical, therapeutic and progressive data, then the prognostic factors of the patients. Epi-info software was used for analysis and data entry. Statistical analyses were performed using the Pearson chi2 test with a significance threshold for a p value ≤ 0.05. The confidence interval was set at 95%. Read the full article in journal website.

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