Nano Science & Nano Technology: An Indian Journal


 Journal h-index: 3  Journal Cite Score: 0.24  Journal Impact Factor: 1.48  Average acceptance to publication time (5-7 days)  Average article processing time (30-45 days) A multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access publication called Nano Science & Nano Technology: An Indian Journal publishes academic papers on cutting-edge research in those domains and allied ones. The publications will be administered electronically, reviewed by a team of scientists and anonymous reviewers, and published in HTML and PDF formats each month. The quick publication of fundamental research papers on all facets of the theory and application of Nano science & Nano technology is the focus of the Nano Science & Nano Technology: An Indian Journal. Topics covered include self-assembly, Nano manipulation, biomimicry, and other synthetic processes. Why is access to information open to all? A valuable platform for authors and researchers to contribute their work is provided by open access publications, which are accessible to readers worldwide without the need for a subscription. Open Access publishing makes it possible for well-researched knowledge to be distributed freely and fairly to readers at no cost, which encourages openness and equality for all people. Benefits: • Authors gain global exposure because the journals reach a large number of readers online instantly. • Enhances the author's reputation by having the articles indexed in reputable indexing cites. • Archived and accessible to researchers and authors in the data base, allowing for citations. • Having free access to researchers allows you to reach a global audience. Objectives and Scope • The importance of global dissemination of information by scientists, academicians, and Research Scholars in the field of Nano Science and Technology was emphasized. • The journal is looking for papers with outstanding significance and ground-breaking discoveries in Nano science and technology, covering a wide range of fundamental and applied research, including aspects of Chemistry, Physics, and Biology, as well as Material Science and Engineering. • Nano Science & Nano Technology: An Indian Journal is a great place to publish original articles, reviews, short communications, rapid communications, letters to the editor, and case studies. Nano Science and Nano Technology: An Indian Journal publishes one volume per year, with new articles added on a regular basis. The journal encourages research scientists, faculty, and students at all levels that are actively involved in scientific research and/or teaching to submit their articles for intensive peer-reviewing and expedited publication. Individuals from small and non-research institutions are particularly encouraged to submit original articles for publication consideration. The magazine maintains its scientific significance by publishing the most important new research being done in the world today in all areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology. CONTRIBUTION TYPES Manuscripts for Nano Science & Nano Technology: An Indian Journal should be Review articles, Research articles, Full Papers, and so on. 1. Review: A review introduces the reader to a specific area of an author's research by providing a concise overview of a chosen topic. The content should be a focused review of 9-10 journal pages that balances scope and depth. 2. Full Paper: The Full Paper must contain previously unpublished material or full accounts of findings that were previously published in preliminary form. Full papers may include final original experimental results as well as descriptions of new experimental methods. ETHICS OF PUBLICATION Financial or personal ties that improperly influence his or her actions these relationships range in potential to influence judgement from negligible to significant and not all relationships represent a true conflict of interest. Whether or not an individual believes that the relationship influences his or her scientific judgement, the possibility of a conflict of interest exists. Financial relationships are the most obvious conflicts of interest, and they are the most likely to undermine the credibility of the journal, the authors, and science itself. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The public's trust in the peer review process, as well as the credibility of published articles, are influenced by how well conflict of interest is handled during the writing, peer review, and editorial decision making processes. Because Nano Science & Nano Technology: An Indian Journal is a peer-reviewed publication, all papers are evaluated by this system. If the paper fits the Journal's scope, it will be sent to two or three independent reviewers chosen by the editors.