Journal of Physics and Astronomy | Celebrating 8th Anniversary

Journal of Physics & Astronomy is about to complete its 7 years of publication in the scientific field. During the span of 7 years it has provided a large platform for scientists, scholars, researchers with ease in the publication process and gained lot of reputation among the scientific community which helps the journal to emerge as one the biggest journal in the field of Astrophysics. Being an open access journal caters reliable and valid information form Physics and Astronomy researchers and others in the form of Case report, Short Commentary, Original Research, Review, Rapid Communications, Letter to Editor, Perspectives, Opinion, Hypothesis, etc. and shares the information across the globe virtually among its valuable readers. The Journal is liable to support their author at each and every step of publication starting from writing, editing, designing till promotions of articles.
The journal aims at a broad interdisciplinary readership, which includes both academia and industries, and covers the broad fields like Astrophysics, Atomic, Molecular, Optical Physics, Biophysics, Chemical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics, Quantum Physics, Thermodynamics Physical Cosmology, Extragalactic Astronomy Stellar Astronom, Neutron Astronomy, New Astronomical Techniques and Methods, Planets, Comets, Asteroids and Dust, Pulsar Magnetospheres, Solar and Stellar Physics, Space Observation and Exploration. Journal provides detailed information on current researches and updates with theoretical and experimental knowledge which tend to help the emerging researchers and students to get a deep dig about Physics and Astronomy its wonders among all the possible life’s.
Journal of Physics & Astronomy offers special discounts up to 50% on the article processing charges for all the researchers across the globe and some additional benefits to its previous authors on the occasion of stepping into 8th year in publication and encourages the contributors across the globe to make the best use of the opportunity. All published articles of this journal are included in the indexing and abstracting coverage of Publons, Google Scholar, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Cosmos IF, Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI), Open J Gate, Secret Search Engine Labs. Except these indexing across the world, journal is liable to publish the funded research work which follows some limited set of criteria directly to PubMed with proper support.
Journal of Physics & Astronomy is a quarterly journal that publishes its issue release every three months with different types of new researches in the field of Physics and Astronomy. The journal follows a double-blind peer review system which helps in a proper and impartial review of the article which leads to spread liable information among the readers and supports the current and future studies in the field of Physics and Astronomy. The journal also helps to increase the number of readers towards each and every article published within its regular and special issues by promoting the recent research on digital platforms like Twitter, Linked In, and Facebook, etc. which helps its authors to gain increased numbers of citations.
Jeniffer Stewart
Journal Manager
Journal of Physics & Astronomy
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