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The Journal of Space Exploration (JSE) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and essays on all aspects of space science and exploration. JSE is committed to providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and information among researchers, scholars, and practitioners from all over the world. It was established in 2012 and is published by the Trade Science Inc. The journal covers all aspects of space exploration, with a special emphasis on Earth observation, magnetic field, geomagnetism, aeronomy, mission design and spacecraft and payload design, robotics, galaxy, navigation and control, black hole astrophysics, stellar evolution, astrophysics from space, materials sciences in space, space weather, aerothermodynamics, and astroparticle physics. The Journal publishes original research articles, review articles, case studies, and book reviews. Its focus is on the latest developments in space science and astronomy, and it is an essential resource for scientists, engineers, and students working in these fields. The Journal aims to reward scientists and researchers for their commitment to the sciences and to help them reach their full potential, as well as to provide other researchers working in related fields with more knowledge and information. It also aims to publicise the most recent findings in the fields of space science to a global audience. The journal accepts, reviews, and tracks submitted manuscripts online using the Editorial Manager System. Any citeable paper that is accepted for publication must get the endorsement of at least two impartial reviewers. The editor's endorsement is also essential. Members of the Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease's editorial board as well as other outside experts may serve as reviewers. One of the journal's main objectives is to only publish accurate and useful information. If you are looking for a journal that covers a broad range of topics in space science and astronomy, then the Journal of Space Exploration is the perfect choice for you! JSE covers a wide range of topics, including: -The physics of the universe -The formation and evolution of stars and planets -The structure and dynamics of galaxies -The search for extra-terrestrial life -The exploration of our solar system -The exploitation of space resources -The potential for human settlement of other worlds Space Exploration in Today’s World? In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in space exploration. This is due in part to the many advances that have been made in technology, which have made it possible to explore space in greater detail than ever before. However, space exploration is not without its challenges. One of the biggest challenges facing space exploration today is the high cost of getting into space. This is due to the fact that space exploration requires very specialized and expensive equipment. Despite the challenges, space exploration is an important undertaking. It helps us to better understand our place in the Universe and has the potential to uncover many new and exciting discoveries. The Case for Space Exploration: In the last 50 years, space science has advanced at an unprecedented pace. There have been many important achievements during this time, such as the first manned mission to the moon and the development of the space shuttle. The exploration of space is an important part of our science and it helps us to understand more about our place in the universe. It also has many practical applications here on Earth, such as in the field of telecommunications. The study of space is an interdisciplinary field that draws on a wide range of disciplines, such as physics, astronomy, and engineering. In recent years, there has been an increased focus on the commercialization of space exploration. All of these reasons make it clear that space exploration is not a luxury but a necessity. If we want to ensure the future of our species, we need to continue to explore the universe and find out all that we can about it. Why is it beneficial to publish with a journal of space? • It is an open-access platform for each submissions. • Provides an efficient peer-review process and the timeline from submission to publication is 45 days. • International Editorial Board • Reprints (if required) Are you a scientist and a researcher who would like to have your work be more widely read and cited? At Journal of Space Exploration, we are committed to making scientific research more open and accessible to everyone. That's why we offer publication of your work in our open access journal. The Journal of Space Exploration is a great way to get your work out there. It is a well-respected journal in the field of space exploration, and it has a wide reach. You can submit your work by mailing it to the and Journal or tweeting it to @JournalofSpace3 and WhatsApp at.-+447723598358 Submission link: Action: Contact us today to learn more about how you can publish your research with us.