Future studies in nanotechnology

Nearly every branch of science, including physics, materials science, chemistry, biology, computer science, and engineering, benefits from nanotechnologies. Notably, nanotechnologies have recently been used to improve human health with promising outcomes, particularly in the field of cancer treatment. Nanotechnology is the process of modifying matter at a size close to the atomic level to create novel structures, materials, and gadgets. The technique offers advances in science across a wide range of industries, including healthcare, consumer goods, energy, materials, and manufacturing. Nanotechnology may eventually make it possible for items to collect energy from their surroundings. With high conversion efficiency, new Nano-materials and ideas are now being developed that have the ability to generate energy from motion, light, temperature fluctuations, glucose, and other sources. A structure, device, or system that is created, produced, or used by manipulating atoms and molecules at the nanoscale, or having one or more dimensions of the order of 100 nanometers (100 millionth of a millimeter) or less, is referred to as nanotechnology. We will be able to store this vast amount of data because to the ultra-dense memory being made possible by nanotechnology. However, it also serves as the model for extremely effective algorithms that process, encrypt, and transmit data without jeopardizing its integrity. How will the world be altered by nanotechnology? The development of alternative energy sources like solar and wind power is being influenced by nanotechnology. For instance, solar cells convert sunlight into electric currents. Solar cells could become more effective and inexpensive because to nanotechnology. There are several possible applications for nanotechnology that could lead to breakthroughs in the electronics sector, pharmaceutical technology, food transportation, and medical treatment. There is a chance that nanotechnology will significantly advance medical science. To remove obstructions, naboTs could be injected into the arteries of a patient. Surgery could become considerably more efficient and precise. Cell by cell, injuries might be corrected Present-day applications Our daily lives already contain a significant amount of nanotechnology. It may not be obvious to you, yet it can be found in everything from transportation to food packaging to fabrics. For instance, lightweight vehicles for the road, sea, air, and space have been developed recently using nanotechnology. Nanotechnology has improved imaging equipment, diagnostic methods, and even aspects of medicine itself, such as the delivery of antigens to damaged cells while avoiding healthy ones. And how exactly was that done? The solution might seem to come straight from a science fiction novel, yet it actually occurs every day. Nanobots are tiny machines that have been designed to carry out a specific activity. They have been significant in many of the important modern developments in virology, clean energy, water filtration, and 3D printing. They have been functional on both bioorganic materials and inorganic matter. Nanobots have the ability to distribute medications, move collectively to increase the gathering of wind and solar energy, purify contaminated water, and connect with one another to duplicate a 3D item and carry out its function. A multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access publication called Nano Science & Nano Technology: An Indian Journal publishes academic papers on cutting-edge research in those domains and allied ones. The articles will be administered electronically, reviewed by a team of experts and anonymous reviewers, and published in HTML and PDF formats each month. An Indian journal that publishes a single volume a year and rapidly adds new articles is called Nano Science & Nano Technology. Research scientists, professors, and students who are actively engaged in scientific research and/or teaching at all levels are encouraged to submit their works for thorough peer review and quick publication. Smaller colleges that don't prioritise research are especially urged to submit their original articles for consideration. Indexed in: Directory of Research Journals, Google scholar, Chemical Abstract Service (CAS), CNKI, Open J-Gate and Secret Search Engine Labs. It publishes research on all facets of nanoscale science and technology, including synthesis, processing, nanofabrication, Nano probes, spectroscopy, properties, biological systems, nanostructures, theory and computation, Nano electronics, Nano-optics, Nano-mechanics, Nano devices, Nano biotechnology, nanomedicine, and Nano toxicology. Journal link: https://www.tsijournals.com/journals/nano-science-nano-technology-an-indian-journal.html Submission link: https://www.scholarscentral.org/submissions/nano-science-nano-technology-an-indian-journal.html Mail: nanoscience@journalsoa.org Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paloma-cameron-1600b1252/ Twitter id: https://twitter.com/AmeliaT10371065