"Digital imaging is as much about chemistry as it is about chemical sciences."


International Journal of Chemical Sciences is a bi-annually publishing open access online journal. The primary mission of the journal is to become the premier source of high quality research from whole of the world. Our Journal increases the impact of research both in academia and industry, with strong emphasis on quality and originality. 

The International Journal of Chemical Sciences aims to disseminate knowledge and promote discussion through the publication of peer-reviewed, high quality research papers on all topics related to Chemical Sciences. The open access journal is published by OMICS International who hosts around 350 open access peer-reviewed journals as well as organizes more than 100 International scientific Conferences.

The Journal is successfully running in the 17th Volume which covers a wide variety of specialties reaching out to analytical scientists worldwide. The scope of the TSIJCS is to publish articles in the area of Chemical Sciences like  Pharmaceutical, Industrial, Environmental, Agro and Soil Chemistry,  Medicinal Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Macromolecular Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Petroleum Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.  The Journal emphasizes high-level research and education. Original research articles, reviews, short communications, and letters to the editors in the fields of Chemical Engeenering.

The aim of TSIJCS is to publish original research articles, reviews and short communications. TSIJCS provide a platform to all scientists, researchers, academicians, industrialists and readers to share their ideas, knowledge, information and research findings among the people of their own fraternity. The major emphasis will be on publishing quality articles rapidly and making them freely available to researchers worldwide. TSIJCS allowing free full-text access and devoted all aspects of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences.


Angelina Jonas
International Journal of Chemical Sciences
Watsapp No-  +3225889658
Email id- jchemsci@echemistry.org