Come and Celebrate 16th Anniversary of Natural Products: An Indian Journal

Natural Products: An Indian Journal (ISSN: 0974-7508) is scheduled to celebrate its 16th anniversary in the year 2020. The main aim of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of natural products. It is an open access journal that is known to welcomes the submission of research articles, review articles, short communication, rapid communication, letter to the editor, etc. in all areas of Natural products.
The Journal covers all aspects of the theory and practice of natural products describe secondary metabolites of microorganisms, including antibiotics and mycotoxins, physiologically active compounds from terrestrial and marine plants and animals, biochemical studies, including biosynthesis and microbiological transformations, fermentation and plant tissue culture, the isolation, structure elucidation, and chemical synthesis of novel compounds from nature, and the pharmacology of compounds of natural origin.
For last 15 years Natural Products: An Indian Journal (ISSN: 0974-7508) is leading the world in publication of peer-reviewed novel research covering the brief knowledge of physiologically active compounds from terrestrial and marine plants and animals. The journal has archived resource of several issues from 2005 which tract the significant steps during the evolution in all areas of Natural Products. The journal’s author base is composed of eminent academicians, scientists and medical professional from diverse geographical regions of the world.
Natural Products: An Indian Journal offers special discounts up to 30% on the article processing charges on the occasion of stepping into 16th year in publication and encourages the contributors across the globe to make the best use of the opportunity. All published articles of this journal are included in the indexing and abstracting coverage of Directory of Research Journals, Google Scholar, Scholar Article Impact Factor (SAIF) database, CAS database, CNKI, Open J-Gate and Secret Search Engine Labs.
We welcome everything from laboratory research to review articles, including biosynthesis and microbiological transformations, fermentation and plant tissue culture, the isolation, structure elucidation, and chemical synthesis of novel compounds from nature, and the pharmacology of compounds of natural origin. We welcome articles reporting novel, original research findings that go beyond descriptive or factual reporting of observations.
Note: Natural Products: An Indian Journal is a constituent Journal of the Trade Science Inc. publishing which is one of the leading international publishers of open access journals covering chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, chemical technology, environmental science, materials science, immunology, microbiology, physics, and natural products bioscience. The aim is to catalogue the current scholarly information sourced from across the world and broadcast to maximize its utility and impact for progress of global scientific community. Trade Science Inc. high visibility and usage with citations, reaches vast sections of readers. The high-indexed has contributed significantly to the transition of Trade Science Inc. into an Open Access model. The journal ensures speedy publication process where the authors can trace the publication status through online tracking system.
With kind regards,
Christina White
Journal Coordinator
Natural Products: An Indian Journal
Trade Science Inc.
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