“Chemistry states the more energy you put into a bond the harder it is to break”


On behalf of  International Journal of Chemical Sciences, it gives us great pleasure to invite you all to our Journal.

International Journal of Chemical Sciences (ISSN 0972-768 X) is a peer reviewed Quarterly Research Journal encompassing all the branches of Chemical Sciences like Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Analytical, Biological, Pharmaceutical, Industrial, Environmental, Agro and Soil Chemistry as well as Chemical Physics and Engineering etc., 

Chemical sciences - the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions.

The real importance of Chemistry is that it serves as the interface to practically all of the other sciences, as well as to many other areas of human endeavour. For this reason, Chemistry is often said (at least by chemists!) to be the "central science".

Since we have all have awareness of chemical science, the research form will identify possible minerals by searching for 1 to 3 chemical analysis. This is a great way to explore chemical substances.

With the growing awareness and focus on improving and maintaining the environment, the regulatory impact on the chemical market in which Chemical Science is indulged has grown. Coatings, resins, gases, fuels, pesticides, cosmetics have all seen areas of growth on a global and segmented geographical scales.

International Journal of Chemical Sciences Research articles provide high quality abstracts and case reports based on current analysis of the chemistry research.  

Journal profiles of major researchers and scientists within the chemical science research within the reports show emerging trending research’s and technologies that are environmentally friendly and in some cases help sustain the environment.

Authors can submit Manuscript to Editorial Tracking system https://www.scholarscentral.org/submissions/international-chemical-sciences.html or as an attachment to our journal editorial office to jchemsci@chemjournals.org

Angelina Mathew

Managing Editor,

International Journal of Chemical Sciences

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