Announcement of discount on full article publication on the occasion of 15th Anniversary

Physical Chemistry: An Indian Journal open access journal is scheduled to celebrate its 15th anniversary in the year 2020. The journal is devoted to convey and spread to its researchers around the world the latest knowledge in attempts is to promote the understanding of chemical system and deal with the physical structure of chemical compounds, and to allow researchers and physician-scientists to use the knowledge and access to various physical and biological resources. It is an open access journal that caters reliable information in the form of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications etc.
The Journal offers this unique opportunity of greater flexibility to the contributors to published different types of scientific communications related to spectroscopy, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics and bio-physical chemistry, chemical kinetics, colloid chemistry, micrometrics, photochemistry, quantum chemistry, solid state chemistry, surface chemistry, surface structural chemistry and x-ray crystallography and many more.
For last 14 years Physical Chemistry: An Indian Journal is an open access journal is leading the world in publication of peer-reviewed novel research deals with the principles of physics underlying all chemical interactions and explain the quantitative aspects of reactions. The journal has archived resource of several issues from 2006 which tract the significant steps during the evolution of physical chemistry studies.
Physical Chemistry: An Indian Journal: Open Access offers special discounts up to 30% on the article processing charges on the occasion of stepping into 15th year in publication and encourages the contributors across the globe to make the best use of the opportunity. All published articles of this journal are included in the indexing and abstracting coverage of Indexed in Directory of Research Journals, CAS, Scholar Article Impact Factor and Google Scholar, Secret Search Engine Labs, COSMOS (Impact factor: 0.35), CNKI, Open J-Gate. All published articles are permanently archived and available at Trade Science Inc website in HTML and PDF formats.
Authors are welcome to submit their contribution in the form of a research, review, short communication, case studies and case reports etc. The journal is using a peer review process where the quality and the standard of the articles should receive consent from at least two individual reviewers followed by the Editor’s approval to be accepted for publication.
Note: Physical Chemistry is a constituent Journal of the Trade Science Inc is an International Publisher of Science, Technology and Medicine that emerged in accordance to the demands of scientific community as an Open Access Journals covering fields of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chemical technology, Environmental Science, Materials Science, and Natural Products Bioscience. The functional operation of our journals spans across two decades-consequently we share and enjoy a long standing support of our editors, reviewers and authors
Trade Science Inc high visibility and usage with citations, reaches vast sections of readers. The high-indexed has contributed significantly to the transition of Trade Science Inc into an Open Access model. The open option thus sustains to be the mode of publication when scientific productivity and impact forms one of the loci of interest to the researchers.
Best regards,
Amelia Johnson
Managing Editor
Physical Chemistry: An Indian Journal
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